
Article Tags

Minimal Mutt Config Files

By William Jeffrey Rankin, Sat July 13 2024

My minimal Mutt configuration files for iCloud Mail and Gmail. Both require two-factor authentication, and app-specific passwords be generated. Notes: <username> refers to the email address prefix. editor can be any editor you choose but should, of course, be Vim.

iCloud Mail

set imap_user = '<username>'
set imap_pass = '<app-specific password>'

set smtp_pass = '<app-specific password>'
set smtp_url  = 'smtp://<icloud email address>'

set from      = '<icloud email address>'
set realname  = '<full name>'
set editor    = 'vim'

set folder    = "imaps://$imap_user:$"
set spoolfile = '+INBOX'
set postponed = '+Drafts'
set record    = '+Sent Messages'
set trash     = '+Deleted Messages'
set mbox      = '+Archive'

set ssl_starttls = yes
set ssl_force_tls = yes


set imap_user = '<gmail address>'
set imap_pass = '<app-specific password>'

set smtp_pass = '<app-specific password>'
set smtp_url  = 'smtps://<username>'

set from      = '<gmail email address>'
set realname  = '<full name>'
set editor    = 'vim'

set folder    = 'imaps://'
set spoolfile = '+INBOX'
set trash     = '+[Gmail]/Trash'
set postponed = '+[Gmail]/Drafts'
set record    = '+[Gmail]/Sent Mail'

set ssl_starttls = yes
set ssl_force_tls = yes

    Article Tags

    Hua Paging Labels

    By William Jeffrey Rankin, Thu July 4 2024

    Hua now supports custom labels for paging. Labels are specified in the Hua configuration file:

    next_label = Next&nbsp;Page
    prev_label = Previous&nbsp;Page

    Note: Spaces in labels are represented by &nbsp;.

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        Halloween Countdown Script

        By William Jeffrey Rankin, Fri June 28 2024

        A little diversion: a Halloween countdown script written in PowerShell (and Rexx).

        Usage and Sample Output

        jeffr@Europa: ~/Halloween $ powershell ./halloween.ps1
        There are only 125 days until Halloween! This year, it falls on a Thursday.

        The Code

        # halloween - Display the number of days until Halloween and the day on which it falls
        # $Author: jeffr $
        # $Date: 2024-07-27 08:17:59 -0400 (Sat, 27 Jul 2024) $
        # $Revision: 7 $
        $c_date = Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy'
        $c_year = ($c_date.Split('/'))[2]
        $h_date = "10/31/$c_year"
        $days   = (((New-TimeSpan -Start $c_date -End $h_date).ToString()).Split('.'))[0]
        $day    = (Get-Date $h_date).DayOfWeek
        $day_l = 'days'
        $are_is = 'are'
        if ($days -eq 1) {
            $day_l = 'day'
            $are_is = 'is'
        if ($days -eq '00:00:00') {
            Write-Host 'TODAY is Halloween!'
        } else {
            Write-Host "There $are_is only $days $day_l until Halloween! This year, it falls on a $day."

        The Same in Rexx

        /* halloween - Display the number of days until Halloween and the day on which it falls
        $Author: jeffr $
        $Date: 2024-07-07 17:42:05 -0400 (Sun, 07 Jul 2024) $
        $Revision: 5 $
        c_date = DATE('B')
        parse value DATE('N', c_date, 'B') with day ' ' month ' ' year
        h = '31 Oct' year
        h_date = DATE('B', h)
        days = h_date - c_date
        day = DATE('W', h, 'B')
        day_l = 'days'
        are_is = 'are'
        if days = 1 then do
            day_l = 'day'
            are_is = 'is'
        if days = 0 then
            say 'TODAY is Halloween!'
            say 'There' are_is 'only' days day_l 'until Halloween! This year, it falls on a' day'.'

            Article Tags

            Hua Feature Completion

            By William Jeffrey Rankin, Sat Apr 6 2024

            With the inclusion of paging for tagged-with-* files (revision 140), Hua is now feature complete. There's still work to do: for example, I want to simplify some of the code and I'm very interested in how well Hua performs with a large number of articles. But, for now, the tool does everything I want it to do while retaining the flexibility and simplicity I envisioned from the beginning.

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                Hua Paging Support

                By William Jeffrey Rankin, Tue Mar 26 2024

                Revision 99 of Hua supports paging. The number of entries appearing on the index page(s) is controlled using the entries_pp variable in the config file. Index file(s) are named using the index_file config variable, as before. Pages following the first are named *-2.html, *-3.html, etc.

                I'm considering implementing this for the tagged-with files as well.

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