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OpenDocument Standard Manuscript Format Template

By William Jeffrey Rankin, Sat June 1 2024

Standard manuscript format template in OpenDocument format for word processors like LibreOffice, OpenOffice, etc. Conforms to the basic page layout typical to manuscripts and contains several styles for content (Para, Para First, Chapter, Chapter Sep, Block Quotation)., 15K

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    Hieroglyphics Highlights

    By William Jeffrey Rankin, Fri Sep 22 2023

    I recently read Arthur Machen's Hieroglyphics (1902). In the book, he explains (among other things) his theory of ecstasy, what separates art (in this case, fine literature) from artifice (merely well executed literature), whether the production of works that embody ecstasy is the result of a conscious process, and the utility of logic in such works. The book has many memorable passages, a selection of which are collected in this document.

    Download hieroglyphics.pdf, 62K